Strawberry Scones

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Hello pals! Long time no write. Sorry about that! I always think, “I should write a blog” and then I fall asleep. I have lots to update you on though! And I promise I won’t wait so long for the next post.

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Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting

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I feel like since the minute I signed this contract in New York, life has been moving a million miles per minute. Normally the work week flies by, suddenly it’s Friday! But now it’s like, how is it Sunday again and where did all of the time go? Time is quickly running out to say goodbye to all of my friends, take advantage of having a car, make good use of a big kitchen all to myself, find an apartment… Life goes on even when you’re not ready!

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Tarte aux Pommes


Hi everyone! I am sorry we’ve been apart for so long but I just have had some exciting stuff happening over here. I’m moving to New York City! I have accepted an Assistant Account Executive position with with a PR agency in Manhattan called Bliss Integrated Communications. Can you believe it? I honestly can’t. I’m looking to rent an apartment in Brooklyn but can’t find a place until I sublet my apartment here in Columbus. Cross your fingers for me!

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Champagne Cupcakes


Happy weekend, friends and welcome to winter. We pretty much sailed through December like champs here in Columbus and now mid January we are finally experiencing the true Ohio winter. During the last week wind chills were around -10 and actual temps were below 10. I honestly do not mind though. It’s winter. Winter means beautiful sunrises, fancy coats and blankets of snow (dangerous roads and frozen windshields aside).

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Hi everyone! How are you? I had a fine weekend. Momma came for the Ohio State v Michigan State game (loss). How sad, right? We may have made up for the loss by drinking our sorrows away… accidentally. She came and brought the sweet puppy! I loved having her as a little temporary guest. We had to be sneaky sneaks as we’re not supposed to have fuzzy house guests over 30 pounds.

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Vegetarian Stuffed Poblano Peppers


Hi everyone! Happy October! I would certainly say it’s the most wonderful time of the year, now until December 26th. Yesterday I took Maizer on a walk through Sidecut and saw these beautiful leaves! I took some pictures to send to one of my best friends, Kristen, who is currently serving two years in the Peace Corps in The Gambia, West Africa. She won’t be able to see fall for a while so I thought I’d try and send her some ~October vibez~. I also thought this would be a perfect compliment to my new fall theme! What do you think?

Continue reading “Vegetarian Stuffed Poblano Peppers”