Strawberry Scones

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Hello pals! Long time no write. Sorry about that! I always think, “I should write a blog” and then I fall asleep. I have lots to update you on though! And I promise I won’t wait so long for the next post.

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Tarte aux Pommes


Hi everyone! I am sorry we’ve been apart for so long but I just have had some exciting stuff happening over here. I’m moving to New York City! I have accepted an Assistant Account Executive position with with a PR agency in Manhattan called Bliss Integrated Communications. Can you believe it? I honestly can’t. I’m looking to rent an apartment in Brooklyn but can’t find a place until I sublet my apartment here in Columbus. Cross your fingers for me!

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Oh hiiiiiii everyone, welcome to Blogmas part 3! I’m doing it, I’m really doing it! This week has been really exciting for reasons I cannot yet disclose but just know the excitement continues into this next week.

Continue reading “Spanakopita”

Acorn Squash & Molasses Muffins

Hi everyone! How are ya doin’? I’m great. I had a long weekend (normal amount of time + 1 hour) of drivin’ all over Ohio. From Columbus to Perrysburg and back then Columbus to Cincinnati and back. In classic Rosie fashion I avoided Halloween by going home to be with mom Friday night then drove back Saturday. Then Sunday Rosie 2 and I went to IKEA in West Chester followed by the outlets in Jeffersonville on our way back! I was exhausted by the end of Sunday, even with the extra hour of sleep!

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Glazed Pumpkin Cookies

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Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a happy sixth day of #Carmageddon and second day of snow. I usually am a winter lover, but I love fall too and I am just feeling like this snow is too soon! But, such is life. At least I’m not sweating. Per usual, I am super busy. Today I have attended the OSU IDEA Studio’s #BigIdeas4Health seminar, worked for a few hours, went home, sent some emails, tweeted about Kim K not breaking the internet and more! It has been productive.

A few weeks ago I bribed my fellow MoBsters (Mortar Board) to take a survey for one of the PR campaigns I am putting together by promising them the most delectable (glazedpumpkin cookies they have ever experienced. They did their part, so I delivered (and they loved them, I think). So now I’m delivering this to you.

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