Strawberry Scones

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Hello pals! Long time no write. Sorry about that! I always think, “I should write a blog” and then I fall asleep. I have lots to update you on though! And I promise I won’t wait so long for the next post.

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Cold brewed coffee & eggs in a basket


Hi everyone! How are ya? For lunch, Marissa and I went to the best part of Perrysburg, Zingo’s Mediterranean. I got the junk salad but opted for all gyro and no chicken while Marissa got a gyro Zingo’s-style. We each could only eat half of it (I ❤ leftovers!!). This is definitely my favorite restaurant in the burg. Also, it was so crowded at 1 pm on Monday which is either a testament to how great it is or how many people don’t have to work in Perrysburg (could honestly be either).

Continue reading “Cold brewed coffee & eggs in a basket”

WW Blueberry Pancakes!


Since the East Coast is basically the center of the universe, Philadelphia is only three hours (or so) from anywhere important. So I took a weekend and went to visit some special people in DC (Andrea, Bobby, Zach, Barack, etc.). We spent the weekend explorin’ and eatin’ and for breakfast one morning we made some weight watchers pancakes!

Continue reading “WW Blueberry Pancakes!”