When days feel like minutes


Oh hey. Long time no see. I always mean to write but then I get home from work and am too tired! I know, convenient excuse, right? So life is moving at 1,000 miles/minute.

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Strawberry Scones

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Hello pals! Long time no write. Sorry about that! I always think, “I should write a blog” and then I fall asleep. I have lots to update you on though! And I promise I won’t wait so long for the next post.

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Soho my god


Hi buddies! Even though I blogged only a few days ago I thought I’d update you on my weekend adventures while it’s still fresh in my brain. I also thought I’d include some pictures of my bedroom since so many of you have been requesting it. 😉

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Hi!!! How was your weekend? Mine was super eventful starting with the German American Festival in Oregon on Friday. My family has been going to the festival every year for as long as I can remember (and longer). We enjoyed the Jay Fox Bavarian Showtime Band in the Wiengarten per usual in addition to the bratwurst, sauerkraut, german potato salad, cream puffs… and the beer! This is the first festival I’ve ever been to as a legal adult! I went for the Warsteiner Dunkel but there were over 50 German beers on tap! The GAF was just the beginning of my very beer-y weekend…

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